Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder where the soft tissues (trigger points) of the muscle cause pain in the muscle and other unrelated parts of the body. When the pain reaches parts of the body which are unrelated to the muscle, the pain is known as referred pain.
In most cases, the pain will surface when the muscle has been used extensively, especially to complete a task or a hobby that requires repetitive motions. Myofascial pain syndrome is common for people who engage in jobs that cause muscle tension.
Symptoms of Myofascial pain syndrome
These are the symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome. If you engage in activities that stress your muscles and have felt the symptoms below persistently, maybe you should see a doctor:
- Muscle spasms or stiffness
- Tenderness in a muscle
- Sleeplessness as a result of pain
- Deep pain in a muscle
- Presence of knots in the muscle. These knots hurt when the muscle is stretched.
- Persistent muscle pain that invigorates with time
While everyone has had a certain degree of muscle pain. However, if your pain is persistent and does not reduce even with massage, adequate rest, and other self-care routines, please see a doctor.
Causes and Risk factors of Myofascial pain syndrome
The localized pain in the muscle can begin as a result of injury, muscle overuse, or psychological stress. The areas of the muscle that causes pain in the muscle and other unrelated areas are called trigger points. When the pain become persistent, the doctors will diagnose Myofascial pain syndrome. Other causes and risk factors include:
- Poor posture
- Injury
- Lack of exercise
- Nutritional deficiency
- Lack of proper rest
- Inflammatory conditions
- Stress, anxiety and other emotional problems
- Hormonal changes
- Obesity
Others complications associated with myofascial pain syndrome
Fibromyalgia- Through researchers are still working to establish the connection between myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia, several researchers have asserted that myofascial pain syndrome can lead to fibromyalgia.
Lack of sleep- Anyone who suffers from myofascial pain syndrome will have difficulty sleeping. In the course of sleeping, the patient will hit the trigger points, and the pain will awaken him. Since it will be difficult to find a safe position during sleeping, the patient will have a tumultuous night without sleep.
Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome
Myofascial pain syndrome can be treated through a combination of both physical therapy and injections. Other medications that relax muscles and ease pain can also be used.
Ketamine infusion therapy has helped people find relief that are suffering from various types of pain syndromes.